1-Day Stack & Tilt® Golf Seminar with Authorised Instructor, Rob Cheney at Pestana Academy (Alto), Portugal

Learn how to apply a system to golf coaching, and learn the commonalities demonstrated by the game's best players throughout history

Stack & Tilt® Golf seminar with Authorised Instructor, Rob Cheney.


Venue - Pestana Alto Golf

REDEFINING GOLF FUNDAMENTALS - Rob Cheney will conduct a full day introduction to the Stack & Tilt® system. A mixture of classroom and range time, you will learn an introduction to the Stack & Tilt swing system, and how it is applied everyday during golf lessons.

25 CPD points for British PGA members

CPD points available for PGA Portugal members (TBC)

Course Objectives

  • Identify the factors that differentiate the good from poor ball strikers.
  • Learn why the classic fundamentals are in fact variables.
  • Learn the basic movements of the swing.
  • Observe how the system is applied on the range.

Open to all Professionals and Amateurs curious to learn more and improve their knowledge of golf swing mechanics.

Cost = 100€ per person including lunch

To confirm your place, please contact me ASAP as places are limited.

Stack & Tilt Seminar 1-Day

€ 100.00