PUTTING accounts for around 40% of shots in every round you play. So it would make sense that if your PUTTING improved, then so would your scores.

I firmly believe that golfers can REDUCE THEIR HANDICAPS, LOWER THEIR SCORES and have MORE FUN if they improved their PUTTING.

This 12 month programme will address all the key elements of putting and help you develop the skills to putt better.

  • Green reading
  • Speed Control
  • Line of projection control
  • Putter Aiming
  • Putter fitting recommendations
  • Drills & exercises - personal to YOU
  • Strokes gained record

HOW DOES IT WORK? This programme begins with a full day of consultation and data collection, as well as goal setting for the upcoming 12 months. This is followed by an individual monthly lesson to monitor and track your progress.

Cost = 695€ per person

(for up to 20 hours of instruction)

This EXCLUSIVE programme offers you the chance to truly become a great putter - DO NOT MISS this opportunity to become the BEST putter you can be and take you game to the next level!