TRACKMAN Day at Alto Golf Club

NEXT DATE TBA - Appointment ONLY

Trackman is golf's leading 3D dopplar motion tracking devices, which (in English!) means that it measures what your golf ball & golf club are doing in real time with a level of accuracy that is difficult to beat! Trackman will be on the range for a full day at Alto Golf Club, offering the following...

  • Distance - learn how to maximise your distance from the tee. Hit it further than ever...!!!
  • Yardages - learn how far you really hit each club, then use this information to shave shots from your game!
  • Wedge gapping - shots from 100m and in are crucial if you are going to score well - learn how far your wedges go & fill in the gaps if necessary
  • Club fitting - there will be the latest PINGCALLAWAY and COBRA clubs to demo
  • Shot Zones - understand your shot patterns and you can play each shot more strategically on the course
  • Draw/Fade - learn what make the ball curve, then learn to do it yourself

Appointments are available throughout the day starting from 9am with an appointment costing 50€ and lasting around 55 minutes. There are limited appointments available so please contact me on 915635413 to secure your place on this day.